Our team

He has extensive experience, working at St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, as head of laboratory and department at the Bulgarian Institute of Meteorology, a leading expert in the field of Temperature and heat , executive director of Klerk AD and manager of companies.

Engineer– software development
He is experienced in the development, design and modelling of production modules and components, testing samples under laboratory conditions, working with measuring instrumentation. He has solid background in antenna design, radio communication systems, conducting measurements and research in the field of communications.

Engineer– electrical system design
Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Telecommunications and Electrical Equipment in Transport at the University of Transport in Sofia, Chairman of the National Society of Electrical Engineers in Transport in Republic of Bulgaria. He has considerable experience in the development of electric vehicles. He is leader of a number of SR&D projects.

Engineer – mechanical design
Engineer with over 30 years of experience. He was awarded Innovator of the Year by the Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions in Bulgaria in 2010. Manager of NIK47 OOD.